On the second floor the stairwell opens onto a short corridor running down to a window overlooking the lawn and sundial. This window faces more or less due east, making the passageway bright at breakfast-time but rather grey by the end of the afternoon — though in any case tea tends to be eaten in the kitchen, where lamp-light is more or less a necessity at all times of day... The rest of the passage makes a dog-leg up to the left and ends up as a dark dead-end where the panelling hides the lift.

A well-concealed door in this gloomy space leads up into the bathroom. The other door, down by the window at the far end, leads to the dining-room. This peculiar juxtaposition is an unavoidable result of the fact that both all the hot food and all the hot water in the Tower are entirely dependent upon the range in the kitchen!

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The Ivory Tower pages are maintained by Igenlode Wordsmith

Last updated Mon 16th February 2004
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