The bathtub is to be found in a narrow and somewhat curved room that wraps around the north side of the Tower — both width and curve being the result of the corridor that passes between the inner wall of the room and the stairwell in order to give access to the workings of the lift. The bath itself is under the middle window, placed conveniently above the range in the kitchen below which provides its hot water. This means that the water tends to come out in a trickle but, by way of compensation, to be very hot. Over-enthusiastic splashing causes water to come through the floorboards and drip all over any clothing set to dry in front of the range, and is thus highly discouraged!

At the far end of the room, half-hidden by the curve, are a large wicker hamper that collects dirty washing and a cupboard on the end wall holding spare towels and flannels. There is also a large willow-pattern basin and jug on the floor under the far window, and a cork bathmat that tends not to get used, although if you are careful you can produce beautiful clear footprints on it with wet feet.

On the whole, baths in here are rather fun. It is the prospect of the number of stairs to be climbed before you can fall into bed afterwards that is rather disheartening — morning baths are definitely a better idea, provided there is enough hot water.

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The Ivory Tower pages are maintained by Igenlode Wordsmith

Last updated Mon 16th February 2004
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