Merton & Morden News and Advertiser p4
November 10, 1939

New Granada

Jessie Matthews Sings
at Opening

Kingston's new super-cinema, the Granada in Richmond-road, was opened on Friday by those ever-popular screen and stage stars, Jessie Matthews and Sonnie Hale.

This new building, which seats 2,000, is certainly up to the Granada standard both structurally and in decoration, although the whole process of construction, from the digging of the foundations to the laying of the thick plush carpets was done during grave international crisis, the finishing touches being made after war was declared.

Outstanding among the many attributes common to all Granadas is that the building has been most spaciously designed with large foyers and promenades. It would have been possible to equip the theatre with another 200 seats but the extra space giving more comfort was preferred.

The cinema is also equipped with an air-conditioning unit of the latest design. There is a wide screen, 30 feet by 24 feet, a wonder Wurlitzer organ, and a multi-cellular sound speaker.

Large crowds gathered for the opening ceremony and there was hardly a vacant seat.

After a programme of music by the band of the Grenadier Guards, the curtains drew back revealing a long table spread with plans and blue prints at which were seated the various chiefs of departments who had supervised the building of the cinema. One by one they were introduced to the audience and so that the feminine touch should not be absent, Mrs. Vaughan, chief charlady, was also introduced.

A fanfare of trumpets heralded the entrance of Jessie Matthews and Sonnie Hale, who were led by girl pipers. Then Mr. Hale took charge and in a short speech said they would all realise that the opening of a cinema at that period of trouble was really the most courageous thing that the Granada directors had ever done.

After singing two songs, Miss Matthews proclaimed the cinema well and truly open and wished everybody years and years of prosperity and happiness and grand entertainment in the new Granada.


Jessie Matthews presented with a pound of butter

GUNS AND BUTTER — Jessie Matthews, accompanied by Sonnie Hale, received a pound of butter from a member of the Guards Band after declaring open the new Granada Cinema, Kingston

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