"The lady with the loveliest legs in London," who is seen by American movie critics as the inevitable partner of Fred Astaire, is none other than chic, slender, brunette Jessie Matthews, star of the Gaumont British picture "Evergreen", which created something of a sensation in this country.
So much so that it seems just about a certainty that before long she will be teamed with Astaire, in that she is "tops" anywhere as a dancer.
At the top, she is seen reading her mail with husband Sonnie Hale, leading British comedian whom you also remember in "Evergreen," — at their large rambling country house just outside London. Sonnie raises pigeons and ducks. You can see the ducks just above. Miss Matthews, who has been in the theatre in important roles ever since she turned seventeen, is not only a talented star, but a gracious and charming hostess of the large menage, which is always open to visitors.
And are they in love! After four years of married life.
Says Sonnie, "Jessie is the most beautiful lady in the world."
Says Jessie, "Sonnie is the most charming and adorable man in the world."
Article featured in 'Photoplay', May 1935