This is not, strictly speaking, a biography of Harvey 'Kid Curry' Logan.
It might have been... if I had had any primary sources to work from. And if I had set out with the original intention of producing a sober historical document. But since this project began almost accidentally, the only claim I can make is to have done my best in using what pitiful store of facts I could establish from the secondary sources available to me.
Thus, this is not the authentic story of Harvey Alexander Logan. It is instead the tale that lies behind the character 'Kid Curry', a more-or-less willing participant in a certain wild story that evolved over the course of one spring and summer on the Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.drwho.
But — to quote the words of William Goldman — not that it matters, but most of what follows is true.
Harvey Logan photographed in 1895 — Lonie, John and Harvey in group photograph — origin of the 'tent story' — rivalry between Kid Curry and Butch Cassidy — Belle Fourche robbery — Harvey in prison — escape, and Harvey's alleged brutality
Dangerous money — Kid Curry arrested — imprisonment and trial in Knoxville — how guilty was Kid Curry? — garotting of guard, and escape
Logan's Run; or, Whatever Happened to Harvey Logan?
Doctor forced to treat Curry at pistol point — attempted robbery at Parachute — suicide of wounded outlaw — was Tap Duncan really Harvey Logan? — requirements of Hoedown plot — Harvey Logan in Argentina — a crazy outlaw killed by his own companions